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821 results:
1. Folding Carton Brochure  
© Airbus BöttcherTec Roller Solutions for the Aluminium Industry AI Systems Industry AI Systems Industry Our Commitment, your Advantage: Highly developed products BöttcherTec Roller covering materials in rubber and polyurethane, specially designed for aluminium production, hardness and temperature resistance tuned to the specific…  
2. Printing_blankets_english_-2021-.pdf  
Printing blankets Innovative technology for a perfect print result and trouble-free production Systems Printing Systems Printing Preview Böttcher is a leading printing blanket supplier to the printing industry worldwide with direct sales activities in 5 continents and over 35 countries. Böttcher printing blankets are also available from…  
3. UV-Odenbrett_engl.pdf  
uv Systems UV Printing Fount additives for UV printing Most founts in the Böttcher portfolio of products for conventional printing applications are also suitable for use in UV printing. Especially good results have been achieved with VitaFount Gold, S3007 and S3007K. UV printing blankets Blankets play a crucial role in the printing process.…  
4. CanDecorating_Einzelseiten.pdf  
Excellence in Can Decorating Systems Packaging Systems Packaging The Böttcher Group, with 20 production plants All rubber compounds are mixed in our central mixing spread all over the globe, is committed to sup- plant in Germany, before being sent to our 23 facto- porting the canmaking industry with innovative ries around the globe…  
5. Magicoat_Coating_Cylinders.pdf  
Systems �� Packaging Excellence in Metal Coating New Generation Coating Cylinder Coverings from Böttcher The Böttcher Group, with 20 production plants spread all over the globe, is committed to supporting the canmaking industry with innovative products and global technical support. Besides printing rollers, washes, fountain solution additives and…  
6. Chem_Katalog_engl.pdf  
Everything from a Single Source Washes • Fountain Solutions Printing Aids • Cleaning Web Systems Maintenance Systems Maintenance Fountain solutions Böttcher has gained a wealth of experience in damping roller development. Based on these insights, Böttcher has introduced a new generation of founts for a very wide range of applications for…  
7. ProPrint_GB_Ansicht.pdf  
ProPrint Stairway to Productivity in Print Böttcher – Your Productivity Provider In any modern production process, the key to sustained success in an increasingly competitive environment is productivity. Of course, quality is also paramount, but more and more, quality is assumed to be a given, and economic considerations take over as the…  
8. Wellpappe_Ansicht_A4.pdf  
BöttcherTec Lösungen für die Wellpappenindustrie Wellpappe: Nachhaltig multiflexibles Naturtalent Verpackungen aus Wellpappe, ein Naturtalent und in all seinen Formen als Multitalent flexibel und überall einsetzbar. Wellpappe sorgt so für einen sicheren Transport von Waren und Gütern aller Art und ist somit weltweit die erste Wahl für…  
9. _053350_QM15_2021-08-23_Deutsch.pdf  
ZERTIFIKAT Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass Felix Böttcher GmbH & Co. KG Stolberger Straße 351-353 50933 Köln Deutschland mit den im Anhang gelisteten Standorten ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem eingeführt hat und anwendet. Geltungsbereich: Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Elastomer-Mischungen, thermoplastisch- und elastomerbeschichteten…  
10. _053350_QM15_2021-08-23_Deutsch.pdf  
ZERTIFIKAT Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass Felix Böttcher GmbH & Co. KG Stolberger Straße 351-353 50933 Köln Deutschland mit den im Anhang gelisteten Standorten ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem eingeführt hat und anwendet. Geltungsbereich: Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Elastomer-Mischungen, thermoplastisch- und elastomerbeschichteten…  
Search results 1 until 10 of 821