Böttcherin EG-UV
Böttcherin EG-UV Böttcherin EG-UV Böttcherin EG-UV Böttcherin EG-UV Böttcherin EG-UV Böttcherin EG-UV Systems Printing Böttcherin EG-UV For manual cleaning of rollers, printing blankets and metal surfaces of dried-on UV ink. Application Rejuvenator for Rollers and Blankets in UV Printing flash point - 13 °C very good solving…
Böttcherin Twister
Böttcherin Twister Böttcherin Twister Böttcherin Twister Böttcherin Twister Böttcherin Twister Böttcherin Twister Systems Printing Böttcherin Twister For manual cleaning and use in automatic cleaning systems Application Cleaning Agent for Rollers and Blankets based on aliphatic hydrocarbons free of aromatics, corrosion inhibited…
Böttcherin Solano
Böttcherin Solano Böttcherin Solano Böttcherin Solano Böttcherin Solano Böttcherin Solano Böttcherin Solano Systems Printing Böttcherin Solano For manual cleaning and use in automatic cleaning systems. Application Cleaning Agent for Rollers and Blankets for conventional inks based on aliphatic hydrocarbons free of aromatics and…
… Böttcherin EG-60
Böttcherin EG-60 Böttcherin EG-60 Böttcherin EG-60 Böttcherin EG-60 Böttcherin EG-60 Böttcherin EG-60 Systems Printing Böttcherin EG-60 Böttcherin EG-60 is a special wash for deglazing blankets and rollers. Applied manually, Böttcherin EG-60 removes even solid, deep ink residues. Application De-Glazer high ink dissolving…
Böttcherin Blue
Böttcherin Blue Böttcherin Blue Böttcherin Blue Böttcherin Blue Böttcherin Blue Böttcherin Blue Systems Printing Böttcherin Blue Special washing agent for manual cleaning of ink rollers in sheet-fed offset, heatset and coldset web offset presses. Application Cleaning Agent for Ink Rollers based on aliphatic hydrocarbons non water…
… Böttcherin GTW
Böttcherin GTW Böttcherin GTW Böttcherin GTW Böttcherin GTW Böttcherin GTW Böttcherin GTW Systems Printing Böttcherin GTW For manual cleaning of rollers an blankets. Application Cleaning Agent for Rollers and Blankets based on aliphatic hydrocarbons flash point > 40 °C medium evaporation and good cleaning power for conventional…
Böttcherin Rol-O-Plan ist ein Entglätter und Regenerierer für Drucktücher. Manuell aufgetragen,
entfernt Böttcherin Rol-O-Plan auch festsitzende Farbrückstände und Verschmutzungen.