…e an einer Musterwalze • Ihr Böttcher Kundenbetreuer berät Sie gerne Reinigungsmittelempfehlung Böttcherin 60 Böttcherin Twister Böttcherin Gelb BöttcherinGrünBöttcherin AR Böttcherin…
Böttcherin UV-60
Böttcherin UV-60 Böttcherin UV-60 Böttcherin UV-60 Böttcherin UV-60 Böttcherin UV-60 Böttcherin UV-60 Systems Printing Böttcherin UV-60 It is suitable for both manual…
Böttcherin UV-60 S
Böttcherin UV-60 S Böttcherin UV-60 S Böttcherin UV-60 S Böttcherin UV-60 S Böttcherin UV-60 S Böttcherin UV-60 S Systems Printing Böttcherin UV-60 S For manual…
Böttcherin UV-Chameleon is suitable for manual cleaning and for the use in automatic washing
devices in UV-printing. It is also suitable for combi printing with conventional inks and UV inks.
…Systems Printing Böttcherin UV-30 For manual cleaning of rollers, blankets and press metal components with dried-on UV inks. Application Wash for Roller and Blankets in UV-Printing flash…